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JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions


Author checklist

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For contributors
Pre-Submission Checklist
  • □   1. The title page includes the title, author names and affiliations, and corresponding author’s name and email address.
  • □   2. All listed authors have read and approved the manuscript. The ORCIDs of all authors are provided with complete information.
  • □   3. The manuscript is double-spaced with a 10-point font size.
  • □   4. If needed, the abstract is within the 150 yp 250-word limit according to the publication type.
  • □   5. The manuscript format conforms to the Instructions to Authors.
  • □   6. The names, affiliations, and email addresses of at least 3 potential manuscript reviewers are not in the same circle as any co-author.
  • □   7. The files for submission are in acceptable formats.
  • □   8. The raw research data have been supplied to the submission system.
  • □   9. The number of references is 10, 15, 20 or 50 fewer according the publication type.
  • □   10. Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are added to the references, if present.
  • □   11. References have publication dates of less than 10 years ago.
  • □   12. The IRB No. is provided if the study involved human participants.
Type of manuscript:
Research Article Checklist
Only complete manuscript submissions will be considered for publication (
Complete submission must include:

1. General guideline
  • □   The manuscript is written in English.
  • □   The manuscript is typed in Hangul Word Processor (hwp), Microsoft Word, or in Rich Text Format with a space of 25 mm from the upper, lower, left, and right margins, a Garamond font, a 10-point font size, and double spacing.
  • □   The text consists of the following sections: Title Page, Abstract and Keywords, Introduction, Subjects and Methods, Results, Discussion, Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID), Authors’ contributions, Conflict of interest disclosure, Funding disclosure, Data availability,Acknowledgments, Supplementary materials, References, Tables, and Figure legend, on separate pages. Tables can be included in the main text.
  • □   The raw research data have been supplied to the submission system. After the final acceptance decision, they will be submitted to the Harvard Dataverse, available at
  • □   The terminology aligns with the latest version of Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary (Saunders).
2. Title page
  • □   The manuscript type; title; names and affiliations of all authors; address, e-mail address, and phone number, of the corresponding author; any conflicts of interest; and any financial support are described.
3. Abstract
  • □   The subheadings of the abstract follow the order of Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
  • □   The word count is less than or equal to 250.
  • □   The total word count is described below the abstract.
  • □   The number of keywords is less than or equal to 5.
  • □   Keywords are described using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms.
4. Main text
  • □   The main text consists of an Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
  • □   The order of subtitles aligns with the Instructions to Authors.
  • □   The word count of the main text is less than or equal to 2,500, excluding the abstract, references, tables, and figures.
  • □   Approval from the institutional review board with the approval number or obtainment of the informed consent is provided if the study involves human participants.
  • □   The ORCIDs of all authors are provided with complete information.
  • □   The contributions of all authors are described using the CRediT Taxonomy of author roles.
  • □   References in the main text are described according to the Instructions to Authors.
5. References
  • □   All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • □   All references are numbered consecutively in the order of their citation in the text; all listed references were cited in the text.
  • □   The reference style adheres to the Instructions to Authors.
  • □   The number of references is 15 or fewer.
  • □   References are numbered in numeric order.
  • □   References have publication dates of less than 10 years ago.
  • □   The abbreviated titles of journals align with those in the NLM Catalog.
  • □   A PDF file is included for journal references not indexed in PubMed or that lack DOIs.
6. Tables and figures
  • □   Each table and figure is numbered with an Arabic numeral and cited in numeric sequence in the text.
  • □   Each figure is provided in a separate document.
  • □   Figures have been submitted in BMP, JPG, PSD, TIF, AI, EMF, EPS, WMF, DOC, XLS, PPT, or PDF format.
  • □   The number of figures and tables is less than or equal to 10.

JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions