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Volume 1 (1); January 2004
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Review Article
Critical Thinking and the Standards of Nursing Education
Yang Heui Ahn
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2004;1(1):99-106.   Published online January 31, 2004
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Critical thinking is the basis of professional nursing practice and is essential in the current complex health care delivery system. A major goal of baccalaureate nursing education is the development and promotion of students' ability to think critically. In America, the National League for nursing outcome-oriented accreditation process challenged nursing faculty to think about teaching and evaluating critical thinking. Based on nursing literature, the findings were inconsistent because of a lack of consensus on a definition of critical thinking and the measurement of critical thinking utilizing critical thinking instruments non-specific for nursing. However, a variety of teaching-learning strategies in nursing education were effective in the development of critical thinking dispositions and skills among nursing students. The author provides insight and ideas for nursing faculty as follows: 1) nursing programs must define critical thinking operationally in relation to their curricula; 2)nursing faculty must be knowledgeable concerning evaluation of critical thinking disposition and skills and construct a standardized critical-thinking instrument that is specific to the discipline of nursing; 3) nursing faculty must develop teaching-learning strategy in nursing education for improving students' critical thinking abilities. These are prerequisite for critical thinking which should be considered as a criterion in The Standards of Nursing Education in Korea.


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  • Factors Influencing Competency in Evidence-based Practice among Clinical Nurses
    Yeon-Sook Kim, Jimee Kim, Mi-Mi Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.2015; 21(2): 143.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of Video-based Peer assisted Learning in Standardized Patients Simulation: Pre and Post Operative Care
    In-Hee Park, Sujin Shin
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2015; 27(1): 73.     CrossRef
  • Influence of Critical Thinking Disposition on Satisfaction with Clinical Practice and Intention of Recommendation among Paramedic Students
    Mi-Young Choi, Tae-Young Moon, Hyun-Ji Lee
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2013; 14(3): 1301.     CrossRef
  • Exploring Nursing Education Modality for Facilitating Undergraduate Students' Critical Thinking: Focus Group Interview Analysis
    Sung Ok Chang, Eun Suk Kong, Chun Gil Kim, Hee Kyung Kim, Mi Soon Song, Soo Yeon Ahn, Young Whee Lee, Myung Ok Cho, Kyung Sook Choi, Nam Cho Kim
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2013; 25(2): 125.     CrossRef
  • Critical Thinking Disposition and Self-esteem of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses
    Moonhee Gang
    Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2011; 20(4): 404.     CrossRef
  • Development of Standards and Criteria for Accreditation of Baccalaureate Nursing Education Program
    Yang Heui Ahn, Kyung Sook Park, Soon Ok Yang, Kyung Rim Shin, Mi Ja Kim
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2005; 2: 87.     CrossRef
Original Articles
A score of trial examination is closely correlated with a score of Korean Medical Licensing Examination 2002
Myoung Soo Kim, Chun-Bae Kim, Byung Ho Cha, Ki Chang Park, Sang Ok Kwon, Kye Chul Shin, Hae Yong Lee, Seong Joon Kang, Bong Suk Cha
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2004;1(1):87-98.   Published online January 31, 2004
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Korean Medical Licensing Examination(KMLE) 2002 focused on evaluation of the integrative medical knowledge such as primary clinical care or problem-solving competence. We analyzed the correlation among the year-wise student academic scores(grade score), trial examination scores and KMLE score by correlation analysis and multiple regression method. Four times of trial examination were taken in 2001, which were composed according to the principles of KMLE. Trial examination scores were significantly correlated with student grade scores (p<0.05). KMLE score also correlated with student grade score a nd trial examination score. The grade score at senior had higher correlation coefficient than the grade score at junior in correlation analysis. In multiple regressions, grade score at senior and mean score of trial examinatio n score were significant variants affecting KMLE score. Based on this result, regression formula such as [KMLE score] = 110.596 + 21.449*[6th grade score of student] + 0.577*[mean of trial examination score] was established (R2=0.764, p<0.001). Our results show that the trial examination is useful evaluation tool for final assessment of medical achievements. Also a trial examination is used as a reference data for student guidance and control in preparing for KMLE.


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  • North Korean refugee doctors' preliminary examination scores
    Sung Uk Chae, Jeong Hee Yang, Joon Seop Hyun, June Hee Kim, Seok Hoon Kang
    Korean Journal of Medical Education.2016; 28(4): 373.     CrossRef
  • A Six-Year Study of Relationship between Academic Performance in Dental Hygiene School and Performance on the Korean Dental Hygiene Licensing Examination at Yonsei University
    So-Jung Mun, Hie-Jin Noh, Hyun-Sun Jeon, Ji-Eun Heo, Won-Gyun Chung
    Journal of dental hygiene science.2014; 14(3): 332.     CrossRef
  • The Relationship between Senior Year Examinations at a Medical School and the Korean Medical Licensing Examination
    Ki Hoon Jung, Ho Keun Jung, Kwan Lee
    Korean Journal of Medical Education.2009; 21(1): 17.     CrossRef
A study on the satisfaction of medical licensing examination and the present condition of skill test in medical schools
Jang Hee Park, Un Mook Kim, Won Chul Lee, Yoon Seong Lee
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2004;1(1):77-86.   Published online January 31, 2004
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lt has been an issue whether the current medical examination system can evaluate medical students' competencies efficiently. This study was performed to survey on the satisfaction for the current medical examination system and present situation for clinical skill test in medical schools. We conducted a survey for this research and the subjects of this study were deans, medical professors, resident and medical students. We met with interesting results. First, most respondents answered the current medical examination system couldn't evaluate the medical students' competencies efficiently. Second, many residents thought preparing for paper-pencil test was not helpful for training, while experiencing clinical skill test was helpful for it. Third, the current contents and methods to evaluate clinical skill in the medical schools were variable and desirable. We concluded it was high time to change our medical examination system for evaluating the clinical skill performance of medical students.


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  • The impact of introducing the Korean Medical Licensing Examination clinical skills assessment on medical education
    Hoon-Ki Park
    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2012; 55(2): 116.     CrossRef
  • Analysis of First Clinical Skills Examination in the Korean Medical Licensing Examination: Focus on Examinees' Experience in a Medical School
    Kyung Ae Jun, Sang Yop Shin
    Korean Journal of Medical Education.2011; 23(3): 203.     CrossRef
Comparison of item analysis results of Korean Medical Licensing Examination according to classical test theory and item response theory
Eun Young Lim, Jang Hee Park, ll Kwon, Gue Lim Song, Sun Huh
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2004;1(1):67-76.   Published online January 31, 2004
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The results of the 64th and 65th Korean Medical Licensing Examination were analyzed according to the classical test theory and item response theory in order to know the possibility of applying item response theory to item analys and to suggest its applicability to computerized adaptive test. The correlation coefficiency of difficulty index, discriminating index and ability parameter between two kinds of analysis were got using computer programs such as Analyst 4.0, Bilog and Xcalibre. Correlation coefficiencies of difficulty index were equal to or more than 0.75; those of discriminating index were between - 0.023 and 0.753; those of ability parameter were equal to or more than 0.90. Those results suggested that the item analysis according to item response theory showed the comparable results with that according to classical test theory except discriminating index. Since the ability parameter is most widely used in the criteria-reference test, the high correlation between ability parameter and total score can provide the validity of computerized adaptive test utilizing item response theory.


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  • Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions received the top-ranking Journal Impact Factor―9.3—in the category of Education, Scientific Disciplines in the 2023 Journal Citation Ranking by Clarivate
    Sun Huh
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2024; 21: 16.     CrossRef
  • Analysis on Validity and Academic Competency of Mock Test for Korean Medicine National Licensing Examination Using Item Response Theory
    Han Chae, Eunbyul Cho, SeonKyoung Kim, DaHye Choi, Seul Lee
    Keimyung Medical Journal.2023; 42(1): 7.     CrossRef
  • Item difficulty index, discrimination index, and reliability of the 26 health professions licensing examinations in 2022, Korea: a psychometric study
    Yoon Hee Kim, Bo Hyun Kim, Joonki Kim, Bokyoung Jung, Sangyoung Bae
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2023; 20: 31.     CrossRef
  • Can computerized tests be introduced to the Korean Medical Licensing Examination?
    Sun Huh
    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2012; 55(2): 124.     CrossRef
A Study on Certifying Systems for Clinical Laboratory Scientists
Kyung Jin Cho, Chang Kyou Lee, Seung Gwan Lee, So Woong Chung, Tae Un Kim, Hee Joo Moon, Tae Jeon Kim, Hyung Joon Bae, Seung Gu Choi, Shin Moo Kim, Chong Ho Kim, Bok Hee Jin
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2004;1(1):51-66.   Published online January 31, 2004
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Reviewing and comparing the certifying systems for clinical laboratory scientists in some developed countries would be meaningful for us in the renovation of our current systems. Through the homepages of relevant organizations in five countries we got the information on education and certifying systems for clinical laboratory scientists. And we also e-mailed or made phone calls directly to the chairpersons for more additional data. The ladders systems in both educational and certifying were well developed in the United States compared to other countries. ln Japan and Korea, it seemed that too many competencies are required for the entry-level medical technologist requiring even competencies in the fields of histo-pathology, cytology, clinical physiology in the current medical technologist's job descriptions. Now we have to evaluate the applicants' competencies at the entry-level and establish the content outlines as a guideline for the applicants. For more reliable and efficient evaluations we might consider adopting the computerized testing like CBT or CAT.


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  • Professional Certification of Medical Technologists in Korea, Japan, and United States of America
    Bon-Kyeong Koo
    The Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science.2019; 51(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Analysis of Survey of Interdisciplinary Unification of Biomedical Laboratory Science
    Hong Sung Kim, Ji-Hyuk Kang, Man-Gil Yang, Chang-Eun Park, Kyung-A Shin, Pil Seung Kwon
    The Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science.2018; 50(3): 289.     CrossRef
  • Survey on the Education System and National Licensing Examination for Fostering Competent Medical Technologists
    Hong Sung Kim, Pil Seung Kwon, Ji-Hyuk Kang, Man-Gil Yang, Jong O Park, Dae-Joong Kim, Won Shik Kim, Sei Ick Joo, Eun-Joong Kim, Sun Kyung Lee, Sang Hee Lee, Seung-Joo Jekal
    The Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science.2017; 49(2): 161.     CrossRef
  • Fifty Years of the Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science: About Name and KCI Registration
    Bon-Kyeong Koo, Ho Joong Sung, Ki-Jong Rhee, Byoung-Seon Yang, Sei Ick Joo, Seung-Gu Choi, In-Ho Jang, Man-Gil Yang
    The Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science.2017; 49(3): 187.     CrossRef
  • A Survey on the Certification and Curriculum Development for Hospice and Palliative Care Professionals
    Jina Kang, Do Yeun Kim, Dong Wook Shin, Si-Young Kim, Soon Nam Lee
    The Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care.2010; 13(1): 32.     CrossRef
A Study on the Standard of Optician National Licensing Examination by Job Analysis
Won Jin Lee, Chan Hee Won, Ki Choong Mah, Duk Yong Sung, Sung Soo Kang, Do Jin Youk, Hae Jong Park
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2004;1(1):37-50.   Published online January 31, 2004
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This study shows the optician's job analysis, some questionaire and their analysis. Job description drafed, the standard of questionaire was fixed. Job description is establised on the results of the job analysis by DACUM(Developing A Curriculum Method). The job description formed above 2.15 referred to the results of survey of the importance and perfomance frequency of the job. These elements made a draft of drawing up standard of the Optician National Licensing Examination by Job Analysis.


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  • Is there an agreement among the items of the Korean physical therapist licensing examination, learning objectives of class subjects, and physical therapists’ job descriptions?
    Min-Hyeok Kang, Oh-Yun Kwon, Yong-Wook Kim, Ji-Won Kim, Tae-Ho Kim, Tae-Young Oh, Jong-Hyuk Weon, Tae-Sik Lee, Jae-Seop Oh
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2016; 13: 3.     CrossRef
  • The Need for Change of Korean Optician(optometrist) System
    Jae-Myoung Seo, Jae-Do Kim, Heung-Soo Kim, Hyun-Suk Shim, Sang-Hyun Kim
    Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society.2015; 20(4): 527.     CrossRef
  • The Importance and Difficulty of Work Capability, and the Educational Needs for Optometric Duty in Student and Optometrist
    Hee-Kyoung Park, Ok-Jin Lee, Se-Hoon Jung
    Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society.2014; 19(4): 457.     CrossRef
Development of the Basic Core Test Items of National Nurse's License Examination
Cho Ja Kim, Hyang Yeon Lee, Ji Ho Song, Sook Ja Lee, Hyun Sook Kang, Sung Ae Park, Jeong Seop Lee, Kyung Ja June
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2004;1(1):27-36.   Published online January 31, 2004
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The purpose of this study is to develop a classification framework for the test elements of the National Registered Nurse's License Examination and to divide the test items into standard and basic core on the basis of the RN's job descriptions. And the adequa to proportion of the basic core test items is going to be identified. Method and results: In order to develop the classification framework of the National Registered Nurse's License Examination, RN's job descriptions, nursing standards, and the specific learning objectives of nursing courses were reviewed. And a survey was used to identify which entity would be appropriate for a reference to the basic core test items. 146 of professors from schools of nursing and members of each division of Korean Academic Society of Nursing(KASN) were participated in the survey. The study showed the 98% of respondents agreed to use RN's job descriptions in selecting the basic core test items and 30% for the basic core test would be appropriate. And the contents, the selection criteria, and the proportion of the basic core test items were developed by the members of this research, the members of the National RN's License Examination subcommittee, and the presidents of each division of KASN. The total of 1990 standard test items were selected among 3524 items, that 3 out of 7 members in the research team agreed to choose. Duplicated items in the standard items were deleted. 205 items out of the 1990 standard items were selected as the basic core test items. And 14 items were added in Medical Laws and Ethics which leads the total of 219 basic core test items. ln conclusion, the 99 items, 30% of total current examination items were chosen as the final basic core test items using the delphimethod. Further studies are needed to validate the current National License Examination for RN on the basis of the 99 basic core test items.


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  • A Comparative Study of the Nurse Licensure Exam Systems between the United States and South Korea
    Chanyeong Kwak, Soon-Nyoung Yun, Shin-Jeong Kim
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2013; 25(6): 622.     CrossRef
  • Current Status and Considerations for Education in Nursing Management
    Eun-Kyung Kim, Se Young Kim, Myun Sook Jung, Keum Seong Jang, Jinhyun Kim, Jong Kyung Kim, Young Mee Kim, Eun Jun Park, Ki Kyong Kim, Haejung Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.2011; 17(2): 238.     CrossRef
A Study on the job Analysis for New Nurse
Moon Sil Kim, Ji Ho Song, Bun Han Kim, Seung Hee Lee
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2004;1(1):15-26.   Published online January 31, 2004
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This study is empirical and descriptive one for analysing the nurse's job. This study used the methods of making the job descriptions and survey research about the nurses' perception of importance in their job and the frequency of job performance. The results were in following: the research divided the job of new nurse into 11 duties. And duties include the 65 tasks and 446 task elements. According to the survey research on the nurses' perception of importance and the frequency of job performance, the elements graded higher than 2.5 point in importance perception, were 47 elements(10.5%). And the elements from 2.0 to 2.5 were 93 elements(18.8%). Regarding the frequency of job performance, the 56 elements were graded higher than 2.5 point on average(12.6%), and 84 elements were from 2.0 to 2.5(18.8%). Especially, the elements which grade higher than 2.5 point in both two items, were 31 elements(7.0%). Based on these results, the elements graded higher than 2.0 point were grouped to the core competencies for registered nurse, these could be core concepts to develop the questions for national examination for nurse's registration.


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  • Effectiveness of Self-directed Learning on Competency in Physical Assessment, Academic Self-confidence and Learning Satisfaction of Nursing Students
    Yun Hee Shin, Jihea Choi, Margaret J. Storey, Seul Gi Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing.2017; 24(3): 181.     CrossRef
  • Is there an agreement among the items of the Korean physical therapist licensing examination, learning objectives of class subjects, and physical therapists’ job descriptions?
    Min-Hyeok Kang, Oh-Yun Kwon, Yong-Wook Kim, Ji-Won Kim, Tae-Ho Kim, Tae-Young Oh, Jong-Hyuk Weon, Tae-Sik Lee, Jae-Seop Oh
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2016; 13: 3.     CrossRef
  • Job Analysis of Health Guide Nurse for Role Identification: Focusing on Annual Health Guidance Membership Service
    Won Hee Sim, Joo Yun Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.2016; 22(2): 129.     CrossRef
  • A Study of Convergence on Frequency of Performance, Self-Confidence, Performance Assessment Scores of Core Nursing Skills of Nursing Students
    Hyun-Hee Han
    Journal of Digital Convergence.2016; 14(8): 355.     CrossRef
  • Factors influencing the confidence in core clinical skills among hospital nurses
    Young Ok Yang, Minju Kim, Kyung‐Yeon Park, Jin‐Hyang Yang
    International Journal of Nursing Practice.2015; 21(6): 831.     CrossRef
  • Development of Job Standards for Clinical Dietitians Administering Clinical Nutrition Therapy to Diabetic Patients in Hospitals
    Su-Jin Gwon, Mi-Hye Woo, Dal Lae Ju, Eun Mi Kim, Mi-Sun Park, Cheongmin Sohn, Gyung-Ah Wie, Song-Mi Lee, Jin-A Cha, Jung-Sook Seo
    Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association.2015; 21(1): 37.     CrossRef
  • Task Analysis of Managers in the Customized Visiting Health Services
    Young Ran Han, Young Rye Park, Young Hee Kim, Hee Chung Choi, Mi Ja Chung
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2012; 23(2): 165.     CrossRef
Review Article
A Pychometric Approach to Setting a Passing Score on Korean National Medical Licensing Examination
Guemin Lee
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2004;1(1):5-14.   Published online January 31, 2004
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National Health Personnel Licensing Examination Board (hereafter NHPLEB) has used 60% correct responses of overall tests and 40% correct responses of each subject area test as a criterion to give physician licenses to satisfactory candidates. The 60%-40% criterion seems reasonable to laypersons without pychometric or measurement knowledge, but it may causes several severe problems on pychometrician's perspective. This paper pointed out several problematic cases that can be encountered by using the 60%-40% criterion, and provided several pychometric alternatives that could overcome these problems. A fairly new approach, named Bookmark standard setting method, was introduced and explained in detail as an example. This paper concluded with five considerations when the NHPLEB decides to adopt a pychometric standard setting approach to set a cutscore for a licensure test like medical licensing examination.


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  • Analysis on Validity and Academic Competency of Mock Test for Korean Medicine National Licensing Examination Using Item Response Theory
    Han Chae, Eunbyul Cho, SeonKyoung Kim, DaHye Choi, Seul Lee
    Keimyung Medical Journal.2023; 42(1): 7.     CrossRef
  • Using the Angoff method to set a standard on mock exams for the Korean Nursing Licensing Examination
    Mi Kyoung Yim, Sujin Shin
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2020; 17: 14.     CrossRef
  • Comparison of results between modified-Angoff and bookmark methods for estimating cut score of the Korean medical licensing examination
    Mikyoung Yim
    Korean Journal of Medical Education.2018; 30(4): 347.     CrossRef
  • Presidential address: launching the Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination Institute, a government-supported special foundation from December 23, 2015
    Chang Hwi Kim
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2016; 13: 20.     CrossRef
  • Reconsidering the Cut Score of Korean National Medical Licensing Examination
    Duck Sun Ahn, Sowon Ahn
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2007; 4: 1.     CrossRef

JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions