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Zekeriya Akturk 3 Articles
Continuing medical education as a national strategy to improve access to primary care in Saudi Arabia  
Sami Ayed Alshammary, Savithiri Ratnapalan, Zekeriya Akturk
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2013;10:7.   Published online August 31, 2013
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The purpose of this study was to describe the development, implementation, and evaluation of an educational program in family medicine for general practitioners in Saudi Arabia from 2009 to 2011. A continuing medical education program called Family Medicine Education (FAME) was developed with 7 modules each consisting of 12-14 hours of teaching to be delivered in 3 day blocks, over 45 days. Twenty percent (2,761) of all general practitioners participated in the FAME program. Initial assessment of the program showed significant improvement of knowledge from scores of 49% on a pre-test to 89% on post-tests. FAME program in Saudi Arabia facilitated primary care physicians’ knowledge.


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  • Current Practices and Existing Gaps of Continuing Medical Education among Resident Physicians in Abha City, Saudi Arabia
    Safar Abadi Alsaleem, Najwa Mohammed Almoalwi, Aesha Farheen Siddiqui, Mohammed Abadi Alsaleem, Awad S. Alsamghan, Nabil J. Awadalla, Ahmed A. Mahfouz
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2020; 17(22): 8483.     CrossRef
An objective structured biostatistics examination: a pilot study based on computer-assisted evaluation for undergraduates
Abdul Sattar Khan, Hamit Acemoglu, Zekeriya Akturk
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2012;9:9.   Published online July 17, 2012
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We designed and evaluated an objective structured biostatistics examination (OSBE) on a trial basis to determine whether it was feasible for formative or summative assessment. At Ataturk University, we have a seminar system for curriculum for every cohort of all five years undergraduate education. Each seminar consists of an integrated system for different subjects, every year three to six seminars that meet for six to eight weeks, and at the end of each seminar term we conduct an examination as a formative assessment. In 2010, 201 students took the OSBE, and in 2011, 211 students took the same examination at the end of a seminar that had biostatistics as one module. The examination was conducted in four groups and we examined two groups together. Each group had to complete 5 stations in each row therefore we had two parallel lines with different instructions to be followed, thus we simultaneously examined 10 students in these two parallel lines. The students were invited after the examination to receive feedback from the examiners and provide their reflections. There was a significant (P= 0.004) difference between male and female scores in the 2010 students, but no gender difference was found in 2011. The comparison among the parallel lines and among the four groups showed that two groups, A and B, did not show a significant difference (P> 0.05) in either class. Nonetheless, among the four groups, there was a significant difference in both 2010 (P= 0.001) and 2011 (P= 0.001). The inter-rater reliability coefficient was 0.60. Overall, the students were satisfied with the testing method; however, they felt some stress. The overall experience of the OSBE was useful in terms of learning, as well as for assessment.


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    Ksh. Lakshmikumari, Sarada N, Lalit Kumar L
Evaluation of the Learning Environment for Diploma in Family Medicine with the Dundee Ready Education Environment (DREEM) Inventory
A. Sattar Khan, Zekeriya Akturk, Tarek Al-Megbil
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2010;7:2.   Published online November 29, 2010
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JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions