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Youngran Kweon 1 Article
Suggestion for item allocation to 8 nursing activity categories of the Korean Nursing Licensing Examination: a survey-based descriptive study  
Kyunghee Kim, So Young Kang, Younhee Kang, Youngran Kweon, Hyunjung Kim, Youngshin Song, Juyeon Cho, Mi-Young Choi, Hyun Su Lee
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2023;20:18.   Published online June 12, 2023
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This study aims to suggest the number of test items in each of 8 nursing activity categories of the Korean Nursing Licensing Examination, which comprises 134 activity statements including 275 items. The examination will be able to evaluate the minimum ability that nursing graduates must have to perform their duties. Methods: Two opinion surveys involving the members of 7 academic societies were conducted from March 19 to May 14, 2021. The survey results were reviewed by members of 4 expert associations from May 21 to June 4, 2021. The results for revised numbers of items in each category were compared with those reported by Tak and his colleagues and the National Council License Examination for Registered Nurses of the United States. Results: Based on 2 opinion surveys and previous studies, the suggestions for item allocation to 8 nursing activity categories of the Korean Nursing Licensing Examination in this study are as follows: 50 items for management of care and improvement of professionalism, 33 items for safety and infection control, 40 items for management of potential risk, 28 items for basic care, 47 items for physiological integrity and maintenance, 33 items for pharmacological and parenteral therapies, 24 items for psychosocial integrity and maintenance, and 20 items for health promotion and maintenance. Twenty other items related to health and medical laws were not included due to their mandatory status. Conclusion: These suggestions for the number of test items for each activity category will be helpful in developing new items for the Korean Nursing Licensing Examination.

JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions