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Tim Goodacre 1 Article
Handover practice amongst core surgical trainees at the Oxford School of Surgery  
Hazim Sadideen, Karim Hamaoui, Munir Saadeddin, Lucy Cogswell, Tim Goodacre, Tony Jefferis
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2014;11:3.   Published online February 28, 2014
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To date there are no United Kingdom (UK) studies specifically evaluating handovers amongst core surgical trainees (CSTs). The Oxford School of Surgery examined regional handover practice, aiming to assess and improve trainee perception of handover, its quality, and ultimately patient care.
Based on two guidance documents ('Safe handover, safe patients' by the British Medical Association and 'Safe Surgical Practice' by the Royal College of Surgeons'), a 5-point Likert style questionnaire was designed, exploring handover practice, educational value, and satisfaction. This was given to 50 CSTs in 2010.
There were responses from 40 CSTs (80.0 %). The most striking findings revolved around perceived educational value, formal training, and auditing practice with regards to handover, which were all remarkably lower than expected. CST handover was thus targeted in the Department of Plastic Surgery at the University Hospital, with the suggestion and implementation of targeted changes to improve practice.
In the EWTD era with many missed educational opportunities, daily handover represents an underused educational tool for CSTs, especially in light of competency-based and time-limited training. We recommend modifications based on our results and the literature and hope schools of surgery follow suit nationally by assessing and addressing handover practice.


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JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions