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Sun Hee Lee 1 Article
Adequacy of the examination-based licensing system and a training-based licensing system for midwifery license according to changes in childbirth medical infrastructure in Korea: a survey-based descriptive study  
Yun Mi Kim, Sun Hee Lee, Sun Ok Lee, Mi Young An, Bu Youn Kim, Jum Mi Park
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2023;20:15.   Published online May 22, 2023
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The number of Korean midwifery licensing examination applicants has steadily decreased due to the low birth rate and lack of training institutions for midwives. This study aimed to evaluate the adequacy of the examination-based licensing system and the possibility of a training-based licensing system.
A survey questionnaire was developed and dispatched to 230 professionals from December 28, 2022 to January 13, 2023, through an online form using Google Surveys. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the results.
Responses from 217 persons (94.3%) were analyzed after excluding incomplete responses. Out of the 217 participants, 198 (91.2%) agreed with maintaining the current examination-based licensing system; 94 (43.3%) agreed with implementing a training-based licensing system to cover the examination costs due to the decreasing number of applicants; 132 (60.8%) agreed with establishing a midwifery education evaluation center for a training-based licensing system; 163 (75.1%) said that the quality of midwifery might be lowered if midwives were produced only by a training-based licensing system, and 197 (90.8%) said that the training of midwives as birth support personnel should be promoted in Korea.
Favorable results were reported for the examination-based licensing system; however, if a training-based licensing system is implemented, it will be necessary to establish a midwifery education evaluation center to manage the quality of midwives. As the annual number of candidates for the Korean midwifery licensing examination has been approximately 10 in recent years, it is necessary to consider more actively granting midwifery licenses through a training-based licensing system.

JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions