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Samira Fatahi 1 Article
Effect of motion-graphic video-based training on the performance of operating room nurse students in cataract surgery in Iran: a randomized controlled study  
Behnaz Fatahi, Samira Fatahi, Sohrab Nosrati, Masood Bagheri
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2023;20:34.   Published online November 28, 2023
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The present study was conducted to determine the effect of motion-graphic video-based training on the performance of operating room nurse students in cataract surgery using phacoemulsification at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences in Iran.
This was a randomized controlled study conducted among 36 students training to become operating room nurses. The control group only received routine training, and the intervention group received motion-graphic video-based training on the scrub nurse’s performance in cataract surgery in addition to the educator’s training. The performance of the students in both groups as scrub nurses was measured through a researcher-made checklist in a pre-test and a post-test.
The mean scores for performance in the pre-test and post-test were 17.83 and 26.44 in the control group and 18.33 and 50.94 in the intervention group, respectively, and a significant difference was identified between the mean scores of the pre- and post-test in both groups (P=0.001). The intervention also led to a significant increase in the mean performance score in the intervention group compared to the control group (P=0.001).
Considering the significant difference in the performance score of the intervention group compared to the control group, motion-graphic video-based training had a positive effect on the performance of operating room nurse students, and such training can be used to improve clinical training.

JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions