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Rita Mustika 2 Articles
Redesigning a faculty development program for clinical teachers in Indonesia: a before-and-after study
Rita Mustika, Nadia Greviana, Dewi Anggraeni Kusumoningrum, Anyta Pinasthika
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2024;21:14.   Published online June 13, 2024
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AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
Faculty development (FD) is important to support teaching, including for clinical teachers. Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia (FMUI) has conducted a clinical teacher training program developed by the medical education department since 2008, both for FMUI teachers and for those at other centers in Indonesia. However, participation is often challenging due to clinical, administrative, and research obligations. The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic amplified the urge to transform this program. This study aimed to redesign and evaluate an FD program for clinical teachers that focuses on their needs and current situation.
A 5-step design thinking framework (empathizing, defining, ideating, prototyping, and testing) was used with a pre/post-test design. Design thinking made it possible to develop a participant-focused program, while the pre/post-test design enabled an assessment of the program’s effectiveness.
Seven medical educationalists and 4 senior and 4 junior clinical teachers participated in a group discussion in the empathize phase of design thinking. The research team formed a prototype of a 3-day blended learning course, with an asynchronous component using the Moodle learning management system and a synchronous component using the Zoom platform. Pre-post-testing was done in 2 rounds, with 107 and 330 participants, respectively. Evaluations of the first round provided feedback for improving the prototype for the second round.
Design thinking enabled an innovative-creative process of redesigning FD that emphasized participants’ needs. The pre/post-testing showed that the program was effective. Combining asynchronous and synchronous learning expands access and increases flexibility. This approach could also apply to other FD programs.
Trainees’ perceptions and expectations of formal academic mentoring during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesian cardiology residency programs  
Sunu Budhi Raharjo, Rita Mustika, Aida Lydia, Mefri Yanni, Heru Sulastomo, Rahma Tsania Zhuhra, Celly Anantaria Atmadikoesoemah
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2021;18:19.   Published online August 9, 2021
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  • 2 Web of Science
  • 3 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
During medical residency programs, physicians develop their professional identities as specialists and encounter high expectations in terms of achieving competencies. The responsibilities of medical trainees include caring for patients, balancing work with personal life, and weathering stress, depression, and burnout. Formal academic mentoring programs strive to ease these burdens. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has altered the trainee–academic mentor relationship, and solutions are needed to address these challenges. The present study aimed to evaluate the formal academic mentoring process through trainees’ perceptions and expectations of formal mentoring programs during COVID-19 in Indonesian cardiology residency programs.
This cross-sectional study used a self-administered online questionnaire to capture trainees’ perceptions and expectations regarding academic mentoring programs in 3 cardiology residency programs in Indonesia from October to November 2020. The questionnaire was developed before data collection. Perceptions of the existing mentoring programs were compared with expectations.
Responses were gathered from 169 out of 174 residents (response rate, 97.3%). Most trainees reported having direct contact with COVID-19 patients (88.82%). They stated that changes had taken place in the mode and frequency of communication with their academic advisors during the pandemic. Significant differences were found between trainees’ perceptions of the existing mentoring programs and their expectations for academic mentoring programs (P<0.001).
Despite the challenges of interacting with their academic mentors, trainees still perceived academic mentors as a vital resource. Study programs need to consider trainees’ expectations when designing academic mentoring programs.


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JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions