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Michael Wreen 2 Articles
Husserlian phenomenology in Korean nursing research: analysis, problems, and suggestions  
Hye-Kyung Kim, Myunghee Jun, Stephanie Rhee, Michael Wreen
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2020;17:13.   Published online April 21, 2020
  • 12,468 View
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  • 21 Web of Science
  • 18 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
This paper is a critical review of the descriptive phenomenological methodology in Korean nursing research. We propose constructive suggestions for the improvement of descriptive phenomenological methodology in light of Husserl’s phenomenological approaches.
Using the keywords of ‘phenomenology,’ ‘experience,’ and ‘nursing,’ we identify and analyze 64 Korean empirical phenomenological studies (selected from 282 studies) published in 14 Korean nursing journals from 2005 to 2018. The PubMed and the Korea Citation Index were used to identify the studies.
Our analysis shows that all the reviewed articles used Giorgi’s or Colaizzi’s scientific phenomenological methodology, without critical attention to Husserl’s philosophical phenomenological principles.
The use of scientific phenomenology in nursing research, which originated in North America, has become a global phenomenon, and Korean phenomenological nursing research has faithfully followed this scholarly trend. This paper argues that greater integration of Husserlian phenomenological principles into scientific phenomenological methodology in nursing research, such as participant-centered bracketing and eidetic reduction, is needed to ensure that scientific phenomenology lives up to its promise as a research methodology.


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Key competencies for Korean nurses in prenatal genetic nursing: experiential genetic nursing knowledge, and ethics and law  
Gyeyoung Shin, Myunghee Jun, Hye-Kyung Kim, Michael Wreen, Sylvia Mimi Kubsch
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2020;17:36.   Published online November 26, 2020
  • 5,804 View
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  • 2 Web of Science
  • 1 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
This study aims at determining the competencies of Korean nurses in prenatal genetic nursing.
First, a 3-round Delphi survey was conducted to establish prenatal genetic nursing competencies. Second, a prenatal genetic nursing education program (PGNEP), incorporating the findings from the Delphi survey, was designed. Third, a single group pre- and post-quasi-experimental study at a PGNEP workshop was conducted to assess the effectiveness of the integration of the competencies into the PGNEP with the measurements of knowledge about prenatal genetic testing and nursing (K-PGTN) and information needs about prenatal genetic testing and nursing (I-PGTN). Finally, the identified competencies were reexamined for their clarity.
Based on the Delphi survey 78 competency components were identified. The components were then classified under 10 categories, which were organized under 4 domains. The domain of “experiential genetic nursing knowledge” and the domain of “ethics and law” were ranked as the first and the second in significance. The quasi-experimental study showed that the mean scores in K-PGTN were significantly increased from 8.19±2.67 to 11.25±2.51 (P<0.001). The mean scores of “ethics and law” in I-PGTN decreased significantly (P=0.023). The headings of 4 categories and 2 domains were revised.
This study identified competencies for prenatal genetic nursing and nursing education in Korea. There is a need for nursing instructors and researchers to improve the competencies of nurses in the identified areas. Particular emphasis should be placed on experiential nursing knowledge and on ethics and law related to prenatal genetic nursing.


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JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions