Development and validity evidence for the resident-led large group teaching assessment instrument in the United States: a methodological study
Ariel Shana Frey-Vogel
, Kristina Dzara , Kimberly Anne Gifford , Yoon Soo Park , Justin Berk , Allison Heinly , Darcy Wolcott , Daniel Adam Hall , Shannon Elliott Scott-Vernaglia , Katherine Anne Sparger , Erica Ye-pyng Chung
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2024;21:3. Published online February 23, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3352/jeehp.2024.21.3
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- Purpose
Despite educational mandates to assess resident teaching competence, limited instruments with validity evidence exist for this purpose. Existing instruments do not allow faculty to assess resident-led teaching in a large group format or whether teaching was interactive. This study gathers validity evidence on the use of the Resident-led Large Group Teaching Assessment Instrument (Relate), an instrument used by faculty to assess resident teaching competency. Relate comprises 23 behaviors divided into 6 elements: learning environment, goals and objectives, content of talk, promotion of understanding and retention, session management, and closure.
Methods Messick’s unified validity framework was used for this study. Investigators used video recordings of resident-led teaching from 3 pediatric residency programs to develop Relate and a rater guidebook. Faculty were trained on instrument use through frame-of-reference training. Resident teaching at all sites was video-recorded during 2018–2019. Two trained faculty raters assessed each video. Descriptive statistics on performance were obtained. Validity evidence sources include: rater training effect (response process), reliability and variability (internal structure), and impact on Milestones assessment (relations to other variables).
Results Forty-eight videos, from 16 residents, were analyzed. Rater training improved inter-rater reliability from 0.04 to 0.64. The Φ-coefficient reliability was 0.50. There was a significant correlation between overall Relate performance and the pediatric teaching Milestone (r=0.34, P=0.019).
Conclusion Relate provides validity evidence with sufficient reliability to measure resident-led large-group teaching competence.