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Jennifer C. Danek 1 Article
How many schools adopt interviews during the student admission process across the health professions in the United States of America?  
Greer Glazer, Laura F. Startsman, Karen Bankston, Julia Michaels, Jennifer C. Danek, Malika Fair
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2016;13:12.   Published online February 27, 2016
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Health profession schools use interviews during the admissions process to identify certain non-cognitive skills that are needed for success in diverse, inter-professional settings. This study aimed to assess the use of interviews during the student admissions process across health disciplines at schools in the United States of America in 2014. The type and frequency of non-cognitive skills assessed were also evaluated. Descriptive methods were used to analyze a sample of interview rubrics collected as part of a national survey on admissions in the health professions, which surveyed 228 schools of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, and public health. Of the 228 schools, 130 used interviews. The most desirable non-cognitive skills from 34 schools were identified as follows: communication skills (30), motivation (22), readiness for the profession (17), service (12), and problem-solving (12). Ten schools reported using the multiple mini-interview format, which may indicate potential for expanding this practice. Disparities in the use of interviewing across health professions should be verified to help schools adopt interviews during student admissions processes.


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JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions