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Jennifer Bridenbaugh 1 Article
Using a virtual flipped classroom model to promote critical thinking in online graduate courses in the United States: a case presentation  
Jennifer Tomesko, Deborah Cohen, Jennifer Bridenbaugh
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2022;19:5.   Published online February 28, 2022
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AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
Flipped classroom models encourage student autonomy and reverse the order of traditional classroom content such as lectures and assignments. Virtual learning environments are ideal for executing flipped classroom models to improve critical thinking skills. This paper provides health professions faculty with guidance on developing a virtual flipped classroom in online graduate nutrition courses between September 2021 and January 2022 at the School of Health Professions, Rutgers The State University of New Jersey. Examples of pre-class, live virtual face-to-face, and post-class activities are provided. Active learning, immediate feedback, and enhanced student engagement in a flipped classroom may result in a more thorough synthesis of information, resulting in increased critical thinking skills. This article describes how a flipped classroom model design in graduate online courses that incorporate virtual face-to-face class sessions in a virtual learning environment can be utilized to promote critical thinking skills. Health professions faculty who teach online can apply the examples discussed to their online courses.


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JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions