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Hon K. Yuen 4 Articles
Evaluation of team-based learning in a doctor of physical therapy curriculum in the United States  
Donald H. Lein, John D. Lowman, Christopher A. Eidson, Hon K. Yuen
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2017;14:3.   Published online February 28, 2017
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The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate students’ academic outcomes after implementation of the team-based learning (TBL) approach in patient/client management courses in an entry-level doctor of physical therapy (DPT) curriculum.
The research design of this study involved comparing written and practical exam scores from DPT student cohorts taught with the traditional instructional methods (lecture-based) to those of students from subsequent cohorts taught using the TBL approach in two patient/client management courses: basic skills and cardiopulmonary. For this comparison, the exams used, the number of contact hours and labs, and the instructors who taught these courses remained the same during the transition between these two instructional methods (traditional vs. TBL). The average of all individual course exam scores was used for data analysis.
In both courses, there were no meaningful differences in the mean exam scores among students across years of cohorts receiving the same instructional method, which allowed clustering students from different years of cohorts in each course receiving the same instructional method into one group. For both courses, the mean exam score was significantly higher in the TBL group than in the traditional instruction group: basic skills course (P<0.001) and cardiopulmonary course (P<0.001).
Student cohorts taught using the TBL approach academically outperformed those who received the traditional instructional method in both entry–level DPT patient/client management courses.


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  • Implementing Team-Based Learning in a First-Year, Doctor of Physical Therapy Clinical Medicine Course
    Jeff Hartman, Evan O. Nelson
    Journal of Physical Therapy Education.2025;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Nurse Education in Practice.2024; 76: 103945.     CrossRef
  • Team-Based Learning Among Health Care Professionals: A Systematic Review
    Tilak Joshi, Pravash Budhathoki, Anurag Adhikari, Ayusha Poudel, Sumit Raut, Dhan B Shrestha
    Cureus.2022;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Enhanced numeracy skills following team-based learning in United States pharmacy students: a longitudinal cohort study
    Rob Edwin Carpenter, Leanne Coyne, Dave Silberman, Jody Kyoto Takemoto
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2022; 19: 29.     CrossRef
  • Call for Consistency: the Need to Establish Gross Anatomy Learning Objectives for the Entry-Level Physical Therapist
    Melissa A. Carroll, Mary Tracy-Bee, Alison McKenzie
    Medical Science Educator.2021; 31(3): 1193.     CrossRef
  • Collaborative student-faculty research to support PhD research education
    Mary J. Dyck, Nancy L. Novotny, John Blakeman, Crystal Bricker, Ashley Farrow, Janet LoVerde, Sandra D. Nielsen, Brenda Johnson
    Journal of Professional Nursing.2020; 36(3): 106.     CrossRef
  • A flexible, group-based assessment strategy for Historically Black College and University pharmacy students
    Munder Zagaar, Linh D. Nguyen, JaRyce Echols, Hanan Loubani
    Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning.2020; 12(9): 1129.     CrossRef
Cross-validation of the Student Perceptions of Team-Based Learning Scale in the United States  
Donald H. Lein, John D. Lowman, Christopher A. Eidson, Hon K. Yuen
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2017;14:15.   Published online June 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to cross-validate the factor structure of the previously developed Student Perceptions of Team-Based Learning (TBL) Scale among students in an entry-level doctor of physical therapy (DPT) program in the United States.
Toward the end of the semester in 2 patient/client management courses taught using TBL, 115 DPT students completed the Student Perceptions of TBL Scale, with a response rate of 87%. Principal component analysis (PCA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were conducted to replicate and confirm the underlying factor structure of the scale.
Based on the PCA for the validation sample, the original 2-factor structure (preference for TBL and preference for teamwork) of the Student Perceptions of TBL Scale was replicated. The overall goodness-of-fit indices from the CFA suggested that the original 2-factor structure for the 15 items of the scale demonstrated a good model fit (comparative fit index, 0.95; non-normed fit index/Tucker-Lewis index, 0.93; root mean square error of approximation, 0.06; and standardized root mean square residual, 0.07). The 2 factors demonstrated high internal consistency (alpha= 0.83 and 0.88, respectively). DPT students taught using TBL viewed the factor of preference for teamwork more favorably than preference for TBL.
Our findings provide evidence supporting the replicability of the internal structure of the Student Perceptions of TBL Scale when assessing perceptions of TBL among DPT students in patient/client management courses.


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  • Translation and Validation of the Italian Version of the Team-Based Learning Student Assessment Instrument (TBL-SAI) in Nursing Students
    Valeria Vannini, Rosario Caruso, Sara Alberti, Sergio Rovesti, Paola Ferri
    Nursing Reports.2025; 15(1): 26.     CrossRef
  • Improving learning experience through implementing standardized team-based learning process in undergraduate medical education
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    BMC Medical Education.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Campus Virtuales.2023; 12(2): 175.     CrossRef
  • Use of Team-Based Learning Pedagogy to Prepare for a Pharmacy School Accreditation Self-Study
    Ruth Vinall, Ashim Malhotra, Jose Puglisi
    Pharmacy.2021; 9(3): 148.     CrossRef
  • Student Perceptions of Team-Based Learning in the Criminal Justice Classroom
    Jessica M. Craig, Brooke Nodeland, Roxanne Long, Emily Spivey
    Journal of Criminal Justice Education.2020; 31(3): 372.     CrossRef
Construct validity test of evaluation tool for professional behaviors of entry-level occupational therapy students in the United States  
Hon K. Yuen, Andres Azuero, Kaitlin W. Lackey, Nicole S. Brown, Sangita Shrestha
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2016;13:22.   Published online June 1, 2016
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This study aimed to test the construct validity of an instrument to measure student professional behaviors in entry-level occupational therapy (OT) students in the academic setting. Methods: A total of 718 students from 37 OT programs across the United States answered a self-assessment survey of professional behavior that we developed. The survey consisted of ranking 28 attributes, each on a 5-point Likert scale. A split-sample approach was used for exploratory and then confirmatory factor analysis. Results: A three-factor solution with nine items was extracted using exploratory factor analysis [EFA] (n=430, 60%). The factors were ‘Commitment to Learning’ (2 items), ‘Skills for Learning’ (4 items), and ‘Cultural Competence’ (3 items). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on the validation split (n=288, 40%) indicated fair fit for this three-factor model (fit indices: CFI=0.96, RMSEA=0.06, and SRMR=0.05). Internal consistency reliability estimates of each factor and the instrument ranged from 0.63 to 0.79. Conclusion: Results of the CFA in a separate validation dataset provided robust measures of goodness-of-fit for the three-factor solution developed in the EFA, and indicated that the three-factor model fitted the data well enough. Therefore, we can conclude that this student professional behavior evaluation instrument is a structurally validated tool to measure professional behaviors reported by entry-level OT students. The internal consistency reliability of each individual factor and the whole instrument was considered to be adequate to good.


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    Sinem KARS, Gökçen AKYÜREK, Gonca BUMİN
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  • Professional practice behaviour: Identification and validation of key indicators
    Diane E MacKenzie, Brenda K Merritt, Rebecca Holstead, Gordon E Sarty
    British Journal of Occupational Therapy.2020; 83(7): 432.     CrossRef
  • Assessment of Employability Skills: A Systematic Review of the Availability and Usage of Professional Behavior Assessment Instruments
    Christine A. McCallum, Leigh Murray, Michele Tilstra, Alexia Lairson
    Journal of Physical Therapy Education.2020; 34(3): 252.     CrossRef
  • What is interesting in the issue 2016 of Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions?
    Yera Hur
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2016; 13: 46.     CrossRef
Continuing education requirements among State Occupational Therapy Regulatory Boards in the United States of America  
Savannah R. Hall, Kristen A. Crifasi, Christina M. Marinelli, Hon K. Yuen
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2016;13:37.   Published online October 27, 2016
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The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast the contents of each state’s occupational therapy (OT) regulatory board requirements regarding licensees’ acquisition of continuing education units in the United States of America. Methods: Data related to continuing education requirements from each OT regulatory board of all 50 states and the District of Columbia in the United States were reviewed and categorized by two reviewers. Analysis was conducted based on the categorization of the continuing education requirements and activities required, allowed, and not allowed/not mentioned for continuing education units. Results: Findings revealed non-uniformity and inconsistency of continuing education requirements for licensure renewal between OT regulatory boards and was coupled with lack of specific criteria for various continuing education activities. Continuing education requirements were not tailored to meet the needs of individual licensee’s current and anticipated professional role and job responsibilities, with a negative bias towards presentation and publication allowed for continuing education units. Few boards mandated continuing education topics on ethics related to OT practice within each renewal cycle. Conclusion: OT regulatory boards should move towards unifying the reporting format of continuing education requirements across all states to reduce ambiguity and to ensure licensees are equipped to provide ethical and competent practice. Efforts could be made to enact continuing education requirements specific to the primary role of a particular licensee. Finally, assigning the amount of continuing education credits to be awarded for different activities should be based on research evidence rather than arbitrary determination.


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  • The Global Status of Occupational Therapy Workforce Research Worldwide: A Scoping Review
    Tiago S. Jesus, Karthik Mani, Claudia von Zweck, Sutanuka Bhattacharjya, Sureshkumar Kamalakannan, Ritchard Ledgerd
    The American Journal of Occupational Therapy.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Type of Findings Generated by the Occupational Therapy Workforce Research Worldwide: Scoping Review and Content Analysis
    Tiago S. Jesus, Karthik Mani, Claudia von Zweck, Sureshkumar Kamalakannan, Sutanuka Bhattacharjya, Ritchard Ledgerd
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(9): 5307.     CrossRef
  • Limitations and Recommendations for Advancing the Occupational Therapy Workforce Research Worldwide: Scoping Review and Content Analysis of the Literature
    Tiago S. Jesus, Karthik Mani, Ritchard Ledgerd, Sureshkumar Kamalakannan, Sutanuka Bhattacharjya, Claudia von Zweck
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(12): 7327.     CrossRef

JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions