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Farnoosh Moafi 1 Article
Effect of portfolio assessment on student learning in prenatal training for midwives
Nourossadat Kariman, Farnoosh Moafi
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2011;8:2.   Published online March 25, 2011
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The tendency to use portfolios for evaluation has been developed with the aim of optimizing the culture of assessment. The present study was carried out to determine the effect of using portfolios as an evaluation method on midwifery students??learning and satisfaction in prenatal practical training. In this prospective cohort study, all midwifery students in semester four (n=40), were randomly allocated to portfolio and routine evaluation groups. Based on their educational goals, the portfolio groups prepared packages which consisted of a complete report of the history, physical examinations, and methods of patient management (as evaluated by a checklist) for women who visited a prenatal clinic. During the last day of their course, a posttest, clinical exam, and student satisfaction form were completed. The two groups??mean age, mean pretest scores, and their prerequisite course that they should have taken in the previous semester were similar. The mean difference in the pre and post test scores for the two groups??knowledge and comprehension levels did not differ significantly (P>0.05). The average scores on questions in Bloom?占퐏 taxonomy 2 and 3 of the portfolio group were significantly greater than those of the routine evaluation group (P=0.002, P=0.03, respectively). The mean of the two groups??clinical exam scores was significantly different. The portfolio group?占퐏 mean scores on generating diagnostic and therapeutic solutions and the ability to apply theory in practice were higher than those of the routine group. Overall, students??satisfaction scores in the two evaluation methods were relatively similar. Portfolio evaluation provides the opportunity for more learning by increasing the student?占퐏 participation in the learning process and helping them to apply theory in practice.


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JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions