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Eduard Kuriscak 1 Article
Comparison of nursing students’ performance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation between 1 semester and 3 semesters of manikin simulations in the Czech Republic: a non-randomized controlled study  
Vera Spatenkova, Iveta Zvercova, Zdenek Jindrisek, Ivana Veverkova, Eduard Kuriscak
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2023;20:9.   Published online March 31, 2023
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This study aimed to assess the effect of simulation teaching in critical care courses in a nursing study program on the quality of chest compressions of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
An observational cross-sectional study was conducted at the Faculty of Health Studies at the Technical University of Liberec. The success rate of CPR was tested in exams comparing 2 groups of students, totaling 66 different individuals, who completed half a year (group 1: intermediate exam with model simulation) or 1.5 years (group 2: final theoretical critical care exam with model simulation) of undergraduate nursing critical care education taught completely with a Laerdal SimMan 3G simulator. The quality of CPR was evaluated according to 4 components: compression depth, compression rate, time of correct frequency, and time of correct chest release.
Compression depth was significantly higher in group 2 than in group 1 (P=0.016). There were no significant differences in the compression rate (P=0.210), time of correct frequency (P=0.586), or time of correct chest release (P=0.514).
Nursing students who completed the final critical care exam showed an improvement in compression depth during CPR after 2 additional semesters of critical care teaching compared to those who completed the intermediate exam. The above results indicate that regularly scheduled CPR training is necessary during critical care education for nursing students.

JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions