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Danial Jilani 1 Article
Pre-clinical versus clinical medical students’ attitudes towards the poor in the United States  
Danial Jilani, Ashley Fernandes, Nicole Borges
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2015;12:52.   Published online November 1, 2015
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This study assessed the poverty-related attitudes of pre-clinical medical students (first and second years) versus clinical medical students (third and fourth years). First through fourth year medical students voluntarily completed the Attitude Towards Poverty scale. First and second year students were classified together in the preclinical group and third and fourth year students together in the clinical group. A total of 297 students participated (67% response rate). Statistically significant differences were noted between pre-clinical and clinical students for scores on the subscales personal deficiency (P<0.001), stigma (P=0.023), and for total scores (P=0.016). Scores across these subscales and for total scores were all higher in the clinical group. The only subscale which did not show statistical significance between pre-clinical and clinical students was the structural perspective. Medical students in their clinical training have a less favorable attitude towards the poor than their preclinical counterparts.


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JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions