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Chul Woon Chung 3 Articles
Self-directed learning quotient and common learning types of pre-medical students in Korea by the Multi-Dimensional Learning Strategy Test 2nd edition: a descriptive study
Sun Kim, A Ra Cho, Chul Woon Chung
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2022;19:32.   Published online November 28, 2022
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This study aimed to find the self-directed learning quotient and common learning types of pre-medical students through the confirmation of 4 characteristics of learning strategies, including personality, motivation, emotion, and behavior. The response data were collected from 277 out of 294 target first-year pre-medical students from 2019 to 2021, using the Multi-Dimensional Learning Strategy Test 2nd edition. The most common learning type was a self-directed type (44.0%), stagnant type (33.9%), latent type (14.4%), and conscientiousness type (7.6%). The self-directed learning index was high (29.2%), moderate (24.6%), somewhat high (21.7%), somewhat low (14.4%), and low (10.1%). This study confirmed that many students lacked self-directed learning capabilities for learning strategies. In addition, it was found that the difficulties experienced by each student were different, and the variables resulting in difficulties were also diverse. It may provide insights into how to develop programs that can help students increase their self-directed learning capability.
Innovative digital tools for new trends in teaching and assessment methods in medical and dental education  
Jung-Chul Park, Hyuk-Jae Edward Kwon, Chul Woon Chung
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2021;18:13.   Published online June 29, 2021
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With the goal of providing optimal care to patients, student-centered active learning and the development of clinical competency have become vital components of the education of future physicians capable of sustainably coping with future challenges. However, the shape of future medicine is dramatically changing based on advances in information and communication technology, and the current classroom model seems to have difficulties in fully preparing students for the future of medicine. New trends in teaching and assessment methods include computer-aided instruction, virtual patients, augmented reality, human patient simulations, and virtual reality for the assessment of students’ competency. The digital technologies introduced in medical and dental education include Google Forms to collect students’ answers, YouTube livestreaming, Google Art & Culture (an online art museum), and choose-your-own-adventure as a story-telling technique. Innovations in digital technology will lead the way toward a revolution in medical and dental education, allowing learning to be individualized, interactive, and efficient.


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Newly appointed medical faculty members’ self-evaluation of their educational roles at the Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine in 2020 and 2021: a cross-sectional survey-based study  
Sun Kim, A Ra Cho, Chul Woon Chung
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2021;18:28.   Published online November 5, 2021
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This study aimed to investigate the degree to which newly appointed medical faculty members at the Catholic University of Korea are aware of Harden and Crosby’s 12 educational roles and to identify their preferred educational roles. A 12-item survey questionnaire was distributed to 110 participants, and 100 responses were included in the analysis. The respondents gave the highest score to “clinical or practical teacher” and the lowest score to “curriculum planner” for their current personal competencies. For their preferred personal future competencies, they assigned the highest score to “on the job role model” and the lowest score to “student assessor.” They gave almost equally high values to all 12 roles. However, individual faculty members had different preferences for educational roles. Accordingly, medical schools need to plan and implement customized faculty development programs, and efforts to provide appropriate educational roles according to individual faculty members’ preferences are needed.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Self-directed learning quotient and common learning types of pre-medical students in Korea by the Multi-Dimensional Learning Strategy Test 2nd edition: a descriptive study
    Sun Kim, A Ra Cho, Chul Woon Chung
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2022; 19: 32.     CrossRef

JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions